
Showing posts from October, 2020

Photo Shoot Shots

Like a silent movie, conveying action through poses and facial expressions.  My shoot today was by no means impressive, but looking at the shots you can see my awkwardness.  Would doing more shoots make better at posing?  Finding out what faces and expressions to make while ignoring the camera is hard. I have no idea what my face looks like doing certain things.  How do others actually see me?  I have an image of myself, is that really what I’m putting out there?  I need to be OK with having a picture taken, so I can have a sense of public me.

Grid Paper

So many things you can do with a grid.  Make a checkerboard, draw a graft, transpose a picture. The last thing I remembered doing vividly, was throwing a grid over something to break down the elements, so I only had to concentrate on each individual square.  You don’t get overwhelmed by the big picture.  Sometimes we should put a grid over the world and “uncomplicate” it.  Sometimes we should only look at what is in front of us, as it might be something we can control.  It is good to know the big picture, but we need to understand that it is the little squares that add up.  If they don’t make the picture we want, changing something small does have an impact.

Smooth Skin

Magazine pictures are so demoralizing.  Do people really have that clear, smooth skin?  Is that even obtainable?  I assume that if I do see a real, live person with smooth skin they are wearing flawless make-up or are under the age of 10.  I know I have imperfections on my face, so I assume that everyone else does too. We stare at ourselves in the mirror and then do our best to cover up what we see as flaws.  Advertiser get that, we need their product to fix whatever it is we think is wrong.   No wonder I feel ugly without make-up...thanks advertisers, you are very good at your jobs.

Glass Sink

You could see the floor, it was like the water was floating.  As the soap bubbles went down the drain I could not look away.  This is something I want in my dream house.


I know it is not a thing, but an adjective.  The word itself is beautiful. It is a pretty word when written in cursive.  One could even say whimsical with all the loops and curves.


While beautiful, I’m not referring to hair, but the stitching technique.  It looks so cool as the stipes intertwine together.  I bet it is also quite strong as a hold, depending on the material used to weave.  Toilet paper is not strong.  This whole “angle soft” Halloween costume is taking much more time than anticipated. I also do not know how all the different components will fit together.  This better f-in work, as the back up plan is not that worthy of being a host of a costume party.


The back of my costume will have one.  I was debating it, but I saw one today and remembered how pretty I felt when I wore one last.  The shape and the silhouette is beautiful.  My costume might be made out of toilet paper, but it will have a cinched waist and a draw sting close...well at least that is the plan.


I love pumpkin pie and the pumpkin muffins from Starbucks.  This vegetable (at least I think it is a vegetable) is synonymous with fall and I love fall, not only because it's my birthday month, but I love the beautiful colours and fall clothes.  Sweaters to keep you warm not coats and/or jackets,  The crispness, the rustling of leaves under your feet.  I think of all of this when I see a pumpkin, so I smile and get hungry.

Construction Worker

Building something with your own hands.  After a day of work I have a pile of paper, if that.  Some days it is all on the computer and I have left no “mark” on the real world.  That is opposite of a construction worker.  They do something all day and in the end leave something tangible behind.  This morning there was no curb and now there is one.  The beauty of a curb is likely not appreciated by most, but it’s role is important and the installer made sure it got in.  I might have sent the email to confirm the curb location, but I don’t think that counts as a "mark".

Fire Truck

Heroes ride in them.  Sure they have their glory and hotness stigma that also rides along with them, but firefighters are selfless. Everyday they do not know what they will encounter, but what they do know is that there will be risk.  With it's flashing lights, the big red truck a symbol of help and support.


Not just a baby’s bum, but the body part in general.  Round and so important.  At certain angles some people have a nice bum.  I think I might be one of those people.  It is not everyday that I say something nice about my appearance.  Today is an exception.


A sense of accomplishment that is typically tacky and commemorated in a hard to display, gaudy cup, the bulky, neck medal or the cheesy, personal statuette.  It is however beautiful to receive.


It can transform a room and provide some insight into the person who picked the colour.  My orange wall looks great but was only selected because a friend had some leftover paint.  Would I have picked the colour?  Nope it reminds me of Halloween and pumpkins.  While it is one of my favorite holidays, I do not particularly like orange.  I like the flavour of orange and could have tons of orange juice, as long as I do not need to peel them.  I’m a lazy eater, same with bones in chicken.  Too much work.


Not that they last on me, but they do look sweet, They make me feel pretty, opposed to hot.  I’m still waiting for that day when someone tells me I am beautiful.  I have been told I am hot and nice but never pretty or beautiful. Will curls help?  Time to get a curling iron and try.  If I feel it, will someone say it?

Paper Clip

The genius of the design is beautiful, you do not have to ruin the pages to keep them together.  I wonder what came first: the clip or the staple?  The guy that traded the paper clip for a house is amazing.  Not only did he get a house, but trading led him to a book deal too.  A book I do want to read.  I think his success was built on pure luck and stupidity.  I mean who says I’m going to get a house for a paper clip?  Better yet, who trades for something of less value?  This is the true meaning of “in the eye of the beholder”, or in this case the “eye of the trader”.

Stir Fry

Stir Fry One of the few meals I have cooked for myself in a long time.  It was not the greatest tasting, but seeing all the ingredients together was satisfying.  The items picked up independently, combined to make a meal, well something more than carrots dipped in hummus or a bowl of cereal.  Yes, cereal is a meal, a good tasting, easy one at that.  It is better than microwave popcorn, which I am not proud to say has also been a meal more times than I would like to admit.


Doodle The carefree, unthought out scribbles that let our minds wander.  I had binder covers, covered in them, even drew on the soles of my shoes.  Even now, about once a year I find myself doing a doodle. I should watch myself as I might get caught at some meeting.  I know I’m a good multitasker, as most women are, however it may come across as not paying attention...but I’m just bored.

Pink Jersey

P ink Jersey The team all wore pink as they played to win.  I’m not sure if they cared that they were wearing head to toe pink, but I know the survivors in the stands were grateful.  Real men wear pink.

Hiking Trail

Hiking Trail The fact that you cannot see the end, yet you still proceed is beautiful.  It is the journey that awaits that compels you to go one step further.  This time of year is ideal for a hike and I hope to go out again.  Not sure how sore I will be tomorrow, but it was worth it.  The hike took 3 hours, but when you spend it with awesome friends and two very well behaved dogs the journey ends too soon, so more steps are in order.


Swan I can’t believe that I have listed a sawn yet.  With the summer I have had and the girls I have met playing for the Ottawa Swans AFC!  It is not so much the beauty of the animal but what the animal will forever mean to me.  No matter what happens or where all the Lady Swans end up, we will not forget out first.


Jellyfish I’m pretty sure you also need a black light to make them look cool like in the aquarium.  Where does one get a jellyfish?  Are they legal to own?  What kind of tank?  What the hell do they eat?  These questions plus the fact that I never really thought about this before are the reason I don’t currently have one as a pet.  However I am now curious and have a new google wormhole to get lost in.

Folded Book Corner

Folded Book Corner I originally saw the folded magazine corner and thought it beautiful because no one folds something they don’t want to remember.  That got me thinking about books and turning over a corner.  A point to go back to, the “to be continued moment”.  Older pages worn with use are my favourite.  One of the things I remember from going to the library was getting a book with a turned corner, someone else had gone on the journey of this book as well.

Swimmer’s Splash

Swimmer’s Splash The water as it sprays up when the arm enters the water or the bubbling look of the flutter kick.  I feel beautiful when I am swimming, powerful, weightless and in control.  Just me and my breath, in rhythm.  Unlike running you can’t feel your mind wandering.  You have to keep time and remain coordinated.  I’m so happy to be back in the water.  I might start going more than once a week.  My hair may not like it, but nothing is ever perfect.


Amethyst The rock in the raw form is so plain, but broken open it is so beautiful.  That colour purple is amazing, and that colour like other jewel tones look good on me.  That being said, no more shopping, credit card is going to go away for the month, no matter how pretty the jewel coloured outfit is.


S mile The one I saw today, I don’t want to trust.  It seems like the person wearing it was up to something.  I might be defensive, but that is what I thought.  Why can’t I trust that smile?  Why do I feel deceived?  I haven’t been hurt enough to be able to state such, but I do.  I should drop the chip and be receptive to people who say nice things to me.  What is wrong with me?  A smile can and should be genuine.

A Lone Duck

A Lone Duck His green head, beautifully reflected off the water.  Where are the other ducks?  Why is he alone?  Too slow to go down south or refusing to leave?  His quaking is telling me nothing.

“Frankin” Tree

“Frankin” Tree There was this evergreen tree that was growing with a maple tree intertwined.  It was one of the oddest, b beautiful thing I had seen in awhile.  Especially because the maple leaves had turned yellow.  It got me thinking of mixed raced babies/people and how uniquely pretty they are.  I hope they feel beautiful and not different.

Smooth Stone

Smooth Stone The amount of water that would pass over that rock to make it smooth would have to be a lot.  The older the rock the smoother it is.  At my uncle’s funeral we were all told to take two smooth rocks from a dish, one to kiss and place in a bowl and the other to hold on to.  I thought this was a really nice way to say goodbye while still holding onto something.  The family kept the stone filled bowl as a reminder of how many lives my uncle affected.  I also have a stone that I will never throw out.  Miss you Zio. xoxo

Homemade Craft

Homemade Craft It has to look like it is one of a kind, but it doesn’t have to look like a child made it.  Although my macaroni jewelry box was pretty beautiful, if I do say so myself.   My favorite thing I ever made was a stained glass, wine bottle candle holder.  I wonder if I were to make them again to give as gifts, if people would still think they are mantle worthy.  Or was it just that I was 10 when I made the first ones.  I might make one for the hell of it and leave it at my place and see if anyone comments on it.  I hope they wouldn’t be “awe, which kid made that for you?”.


Surfboard If I had grown up by the surf I would be a kick ass surf boarder.  I love spending time at the beach and if I was good at surfing I would make it my job.  How cool would it be to spend all your time on the water under the sun?  Of course I would need a plan for after my pro career.  Sure I would have money, but I’m the type of person that needs to be doing something.  Maybe a surf inspired clothing company, perhaps there are too many of them? Oh, I know swimsuits...I think I already talked about this idea.  A third mention and I just might have to make a suit. 

Baby Picture

B aby Picture The eyes in those pictures are what is beautiful...the innocence.  The glimmer for tomorrow. These children could be living terrors, but the picture shows them with peaceful wonder.  In today’s day and age actual physical photo albums are no more, you will not be able to flip through a book and reminisce.  You will have to use your finger and swipe through.  I’m not sure I’m ready for that. I want time to hold still, which I guess is my choice, how I decide to view pictures. 

Fairy Wings

Fairy Wings I would rather fly than be invisible, however only if no one knew I flew.  This way I could fly overhead and no one would think to look there, therefore I would be invisible.  Would I use my power to help?  Yes, would take me less time to get to where I am going, so the “extra” time would be spent doing good things.  Like volunteering