
Showing posts from June, 2020


Staircase There is a beautiful staircase that I would really like to document, however I am too drunk to write coherently.  I’m pretty sure this is illegible.  I wish I could communicate about these stairs more, but ah, well.  When’s brunch?


Sunglasses There is a mystery in the eyes and if you can’t see them you are left wondering.  I also think that people in sunglasses are “up to something”.  Well I know I feel a bit more sneaky, like no one can see me looking at them.  I then remember that my sunglasses are only tinted and you can still see my eyes.  Did the same thing with my new car, I went from you can’t see me looking at you (tinted windows), to “Oh, can see me, and yes I'm belting out Bon Jovi”

Orange Slice

Orange Slice Different textures, and different looks depending on how you slice it.  I still refer to it as soccer style, when you cut the orange with the peel on and it can double as a mouthguard.  I wonder why it was the orange that became the half time snack at soccer.  I played other sports and oranges were not part of the menu.  All I know, is that my mom got a schedule at the beginning of the season confirming our date for orange duty.  I remember parents forgetting and rushing out during the game, those were the days we got freezies or cherries as less prep was required.  Maybe I will bring oranges to my next soccer game, for nostalgia.


Antennae The ones I saw today were 4 times the length of the bug and they sparkled.  These antennae must be so important to that bug.  The way they twitch and feel, reminds me of blind people with their walking sticks.  Having to rely solely on their instincts and trust.  I can’t trust blindly, I have to look at someone’s eyes to see for myself, to believe what they are saying.  The blind and bugs have to rely on the beauty of trust.  So humbling.


Tie-dye Reminds me of being a kid and wanting to wear every colour all at the same time.  When I was young my favorite colour changed more frequently than I took a shower.  Now my colour is blue, not a specific shade, but blue.  Someday"s navy, most times any old blue would be just fine.  Does liking blue, playing sports and rarely showing emotions make me more masculine?  I don’t think so, I mean not many little boys want to wear a rainbow of colours.  *I didn’t say all little boys.

Lamp Post Lined Street

Lamp Post Lined Street Driving down one of these streets at night is very “zen”, almost too much so.  I feel like I am being hypnotized by the lights as they zoom past.  The same sensation I get when I watch the beginning of the StarWars movie.  You know, I have yet to watch any StarWars movie in full.  I get the just of the story and I know the characters, but never made it through a whole movie.  Not even sure I want to.

Dragon Boat

Dragon Boat The beauty of this sport is that you have to work as a team.  All 22 people need to think and act the same way at the same time.  You lose your independent identity and you become a group in all sense of the word.  I haven’t paddled in years, but every time I see a boat I want to go again.  Then I remember the sore arms and rethink.  Appreciating the details of the dragon heads and tails is another thing all together.  A sunny day makes the reflections on the water that much more magical.


Fascinator The one I glue gunned together is not the prettiest, but it will still make the wearer feel special.  The Player of the Game will get free drinks as long as this “beautiful” masterpiece stays atop their head.  The show-stoppers the British wear have nothing on my crafty piece.  Did you see some of the stuff at Kate and Will’s wedding?  I could go into business...ah, yes, another business idea that I don’t have the guts to explore.

Wood Grain

Wood Grain The knots in wood tell a story, remind me that my hardwood floor was once a living thing,  Well I think so, is engineered hardwood really wood? I don’t want to know, I like thinking I'm walking in nature.  On the other hand, I’m walking on dead trees...that is sad and I can’t appreciate the condo and since I spend a lot of time here, I’m just going to admire the beauty of the grain.

Easter Egg

Easter Egg The Cadbury Cream Egg has come and gone, I never had one this past Easter as I gave up buying food out for Lent.  I wasn’t able to have one given to me, either.  I wasn’t upset about this until I saw the commercial for the Egg Farmers of Canada, which made me think of painted eggs, which led to Easter and thoughts about my last cream egg.  I guess i will have to wait, which means it will taste so much better.  Anticipation is delicious

Solar System

Solar System The multi-coloured gas clouds, speckled with stars and planets. So humbling, we are such a small part of this universe.  It’s someone’s job to figure out just how small we really are. What we do has ramifications for this whole system.  Consequences we don’t know, and may never know.  The time it took to create the world, could it take just as long to destroy it?  Let’s hope we are not exponentially causing damage.  We need to do good.  Even though small we have an impact.

Peace Sign

Peace Sign Someone had to come up with this symbol.  Who?  I’m sure I could google it.  I wonder what I would do without google?  People also had to adopt the symbol...a lot of people.  That is amazing.  The power that the person felt when they saw the symbol in use.  It’s not a logo.  It is a symbol for something everyone should strive for, a beautiful image that means something to everyone.
Oreo One of my favorite things in the whole wide world.  Two colours that make me so happy.  I have to avoid them in the store, because once bought, I will eat every last one, in like 2 days.  There are many types, but the originals are my favorite.  I hosted a party and someone brought a double pack.  The whole pack is still here, unopened, tempting me.  That person is now not invited back.

Cat Eye

Cat Eye Not that I like cats, but their eyes are beautiful.  Sort of eerie and mysterious while hypnotizing.  There are contacts that can give a person a cat's eyes.  I’m not sure cat eyed people are beautiful.  The other “fun” contacts are also not right.  Maybe for Halloween, but even then they are off putting. I guess there are enough people that want these, so there is a market.  There is something for everyone. 

Muskoka Chair

Muskoka Chair You can’t help but sit in them, no matter where they are.  The one I saw today was sitting with 20 others by the canal.  They were bright red and I just happen to have had a book in my hand (coming back from the library, yes I still use a library).  I have no idea when they were put there, but I applaud the person who did.  I know how difficult it would have been to get the approvals.  I can think of a million reasons why the idea would be shut down, but someone persisted and I had an unexpected place to read today.

Sun Peeking Behind Trees

Sun Peeking Behind Trees It was blinding as I was running.  It was sunny and then it wasn’t.  Might not have been a problem if I was wearing sunglasses.  Retrospect is awesome, but I’m not sure if I would have noticed the sun peeking through if I was better equipped.

My Bed

My Bed Not sure about my pillows.  They look pretty, but all I do is place them on the bed then on the floor.  Totally useless.  I mean who sees my bed?  Me that is who.  I want to curl up and feel safe.  Not sure how the pillows help with that.  That being said, getting into a made bed is more cozy and inviting.  If I forget to make my bed in the morning, I make it before getting in at night, but the pillows stay on the floor.

Old Hands

Old Hands All the things they have done.  Hands now spend a lot of time typing and texting.  In the past they did so much more. They made stuff.  Don’t get me wrong people still do things with their hands, but with technology there is just less of that happening.  Our hands will be prettier in the future, but they will have less of a story to tell.

Little Hands

Little Hands Learning that you can hold, throw and point is something beautiful to watch.  The awe in a child/baby’s face as they realize they can control their hands.  After a while you just don’t have to think about it, your hands just do. Right now I’m not thinking about holding this pen, it just done.


Present In an average sized, rectangular box, having no idea what is inside.  A complete surprise.  This assumes that the person giving the gift is nice and you don’t expect the worst gift ever.  It’s fun not knowing, but more than that, it's great watching the face of the person who gave the gift.  I mean they hope that you will love it and they want to see your reaction.  They hoped they picked well and the thought they put in pays off.  When they feel you love their gift, the look of satisfaction on their face is beautiful.  When I give a gift I’m a bit selfish because I look forward to the joy the giving gives.


Castle How do people still live in them?  In the past tons of people lived in one, staff and royal family members.  Now I think it is just a few people in a large space.  I would be scared living in a place so big. I wouldn’t know what was happening in the other wing.  Am I  just a paranoid person, or do others think that large homes have a high chance of bad things happening?  It would take a very determined/deranged person to sneak up on me in my 800 sqft condo.


Ivy It looks so pretty in the summer, in the winter I really haven’t paid it much attention.  My mom once called them creepy crawlers because of the bugs that live on them.  I wonder if those bugs make their way into the buildings.  Just thinking about that makes me uneasy.  Thinking bugs will come in through the window and find me when I’m sleeping.  I don’t think these are the bugs that would eat me, but maybe borrow into my ears.  Um, no thanks.  Ivy covered buildings are pretty, but remember to keep the windows closed.


Moon I’m afraid of looking at a full moon, not because of the “creatures” that supposedly come out, but because I don’t want to see the “face”.  The man in the moon I did see once, was not friendly looking.  I think that is why the “creatures” come out.  He, the scary face, calls them.  I go through life with the notion, that if I don’t see it, it is not real. If I don’t look at the moon I will not see the face and therefore will not be reminded of the menaces the full moon brings out.  Now, a crescent moon is beautiful, and reminds me of a smile.

Dog Catching a Frisbee

Dog Catching a Frisbee Who invented the frisbee?  I think like most things it was discovered by fluke.  Someone threw a paper plate or something at a picnic and the game caught on.  Now there is Ultimate and Flof (Disc Golf), both other games adapted to be played with the flying disc, thus even more invention and innovation .


Tourists Posing for a photo opt, so cheesy but so worth it.  I have been to many places and because I do not what to look like an idiot I avoid the photo.  In the end I end up with a bunch of pictures that resemble postcards.  Last year I wandered Ottawa (my city) and pretended to be a tourist.  Even then I didn't visit parliament, 9 years and counting, living in the capital of this great country, minutes walk from this principle building, with free tours on the hour and I still have not been in.  They should laser my maple leaf tattoo off.

Grand Piano

Grand Piano I can’t walk by a piano without playing the Jaws music.  Do I wish I knew more than just a movie “song”?  No, I do not.  When would I play?  Piano’s are expensive and very space consuming.  If you don’t play often do you forget?

Golf Green Flag

Golf Green Flag Such a frustrating game.  Why do I play?  I will tell you!  It is all about that one shot, where you do something awesome.  You hit the ball just right.  The swing feels good, you did not overthink it and the ball goes where you wanted it to.  Such a beautiful game.


Popcorn How did they know it would pop?  Did it just pop one day in the heat?  I would have liked to see that happen, if unexpected it could have resembled a gunshot.  Shooting is on my mind because of an incident at the Eaton Center.  It’s crazy.  I guess that’s one way to stop a shopping addiction.

CN Tower

CN Tower I don’t care that it is no longer the tallest building, it was once and is still unique and completes the Toronto skyline.  I would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.  “I would like to build a really tall needle like structure, with no residential revenue potential and the commercial aspect is related to elevator rides and a revolving restaurant at the top.  In the future, maybe people could walk the rim.”  Response “Sure”.  What does this teach me, there is no such thing as a silly idea, you just have to have a good sales pitch and the guts to follow through.  Aim high people, the sky's the limit. 


Quilt It might be because I just returned from playing soccer in the rain, but a quilt and its warmth is beautiful. Quilts tell a story and require time and passion to make.  I have a “Nonna blanket” and it’s a simple design but something I will never get rid of.  It keeps me warm just like a big hug from my Nonna, I wish it still had the smell of her house.