
Showing posts from December, 2020

Snow Dusted Trees

They look like they are sprinkled with icing sugar.  Lightly kissed by winter.  I tried this effect on a cake, used a stencil so I would have a pattern in the sugar.  Lesson learned, over time the sugar dissolves into the cake and no longer has the desired effect.  If this happened make sure your cake is dam good, so no one will notice that lack of decoration 


Well today is 12.12.12.  The significance is beautiful.  There will not be another occurrence or a repeat of this date in the lifetime of anyone alive right now.  If you didn’t notice something special today, you were not looking.  Is there a religion or culture that has 12 as a lucky number?  I wonder.  Ah, Google will tell me, that is if I remember to look it up.


The foam is really what makes it beautiful.  Like drinking a cloud, if one knew what drinking a cloud was like.  You could imagine I guess, airy and light, unless it was a rain cloud in which case it would be heavy and darkish.  I think a cloud would be like a less sweet cotton candy.

Christmas Lights

Only at Christmas time.  I know mine are up all year round, but they are not on.  I take that back, as I saw them on a sail of a boat mast in July.  They were gorgeous.  So Christmas lights are permitted during the winter holidays and on sailboats year round.  I think that is fair.


Only because it is done.  This cake will be the death of me.  I hope it tastes ok.  It looks beautiful, because dammit I slaved over it.  Why?  Who knows?  We should have just bought one like every other office birthday.  I guess 50 is important.  It better not mess up when I drive to work.  The weather is supposed to be the opposite of beautiful.  I hope my outdoor Christmas tree stands tall during the forthcoming “winter storm”.

Baby Doll Look

I’m too old to pull off this look off, but those that can should.  I realize that I am older and perhaps being judged when I go out.  I have to be conscious of this and go out with a group that appears similar in age.  Perhaps next weekend will be better.  Not that I didn’t enjoy tonight, but I felt the scene was dominated by baby doll dressed girls.  I guess we all grow-up.

Dog in Car Window

There is nothing more happy than a dog when they get in the car.  Eventually the excitement wears off, but at first there is pure joy, then there is a trapped feeling.  The trapped feeling leads to desperate panic especially when you go through a car wash.  They have no clue what is going on and that is made worse by the closed windows.  Poor Astro, I think we gave him a heart attack.  His happy car ride turned into torture and for that I’m sorry.  Also for fireworks, those are mean too.

Human Heart

Seeing it out of a chest is not a beautiful thing at all, it belongs inside and beating.  That organ, a size of a fist is our core, it literally lets us live.  Not only a physical requirement but an emotional one too.  The valves and chambers need to be synced .  Just like when you are in a relationship getting out of sync involves a jolt to get things on track again.  It might be a different beat, but it does keep going.  That sounded like the monologue at the beginning or end of a Grey’s Anatomy eposide.  I guess it was only a matter of time before a beautiful thing looped back to TV.

My Curly Hair

Everything worked out beautifully today when I curled my hair.  Sad part is I doubt I will be able to reproduce it.  Doesn’t that suck, knowing you can do something but then not be able to.  Grrr!  Like when you come back from the hair salon, where they used some fancy shampoo, conditioner and finishing cream.  They blow dry with magic and you look and feel fantastic.  It keeps us coming back I guess.  Who knows what my beautiful curls will look like after sleeping on them.  Watch out morning.

Team Practice

Even though the pinnies smell, the fact that people of different ages, backgrounds and nationalities, jobs and genders come together to play is beautiful.  The rules are the rules and smiles while running around are contagious.  Sports are awesome and in the midst of this NHL lockout, that needs to be said.  We play because of what the game brings out in each of us.  We don’t get paid and so what if the equipment needs a good wash...we play despite of it.

Newborn Baby

I never thought newborns were beautiful, in fact they look like raisins, sort of alien like.  Upon further inspection, they are starting to take shape, becoming one on their own.  Yes, they get cuter over time, but at the beginning I guess they are beauties too.  A new start always is.

Roasted Turkey

I might be writing about this because I am on a diet (one day in) and food right now is my weakness.  I love to eat whatever is in front of me and when I saw that turkey on TV it made me jealous.  I also thought about how I haven’t had a turkey dinner in years.  I will rectify that next year.  At which point I will have my list of things I am thankful for ready...the list will include the turkey meal.


I remember making these when I was little, they were so simple.  I saw one today in a store window and instantly smiled.  With all the things I see in a day it's hard to imagine drawing a blank when I go to write about something beautiful.  If people saw wind turbines as pinwheels, would they like them more? Could the turbines be brightly painted?  I’m sure they have thought of I’m assuming the answer is no.