
Showing posts from April, 2020


Fireman Typical, straight, girl answer, but any profession that puts out a calendar and “works” charity auctions are beautiful by default. Attractive inside and out. Who doesn’t have the “rescue” fantasy? I blame Disney for instilling the “damsel in distress” in all of us. No matter how much I bench press, or how many stairs I can climb, sometimes the door is too heavy and a fireman needs to open it.

Blank Page

Blank Page Is it a new start or a do-over? There is nothing there so you can start anywhere. Don’t have to start at the top, don’t have to write in a straight line. These are things we do because it was how we were told to do. It’s logical right? It makes sense because that is what we are used to. I should have written this from the bottom up? How would the reader react? Some languages are not left to right, up to where do you start?

Canadian Goose

Canadian Goose They are everywhere! Is that the reason they have been referenced as the “rats of the sky”? Such an awful thing to say about our national bird. They are on our money. Is that why someone thought about making money off them. Putting their feathers in coats. Was that smart or cruel? Both perhaps.

View from a Plane Window

View from a Plane Window “It’s a small world after all”, I can’t help but hearing that song when I fly into a new city. It’s ironic because at that moment the world seems so large. I’m on one plane, flying to one city, but there are thousands of others doing the exact same thing at the same time. The beauty of a city from the air is being viewed by so many others at the same time. I hope that they too take in the moment and appreciate all the components working together to make the world smaller and more accessible to visitors near or far.

Chocolate Covered Strawberry

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Some things just belong together, chocolate goes with most things, too bad it also goes hand in hand with tooth decay and being fat. I have no will power, I know I shouldn’t have something according to my brain, but another voice has more pull over my hand to month control. If my head voice was stronger, my stomach would be smaller. The taste experience is worth it.


Glitter The way light dances off the surface and makes colours beautiful. In a dull lit room, glitter looks like garbage. Everything needs the right space and conditions to shine. We have to remember to make sure people are given the tools and encouragement to "shine".

Rain Streaked Sky

Rain Streaked Sky Rain should not be viewed as a downer, a sad thing that gets a bad rap. So you can’t enjoy outside, it just makes inside that much more cozy. You appreciate good weather more when there is a bit of an incentive to go out. Rain is good for all living things, including us humans. Remember what jumping in a puddle feels time you see rain, recall that memory.

Highway Interchange

Highway Interchange Where is everyone going? I find myself wondering this most times I’m on the road. In most cases I assume everyone is going to work, because chances are that is where I am headed. Even if it’s 2:30 in the afternoon the assumption is they are heading to or from a meeting. I know assuming that everyone works is naive, however that makes me feel better about what I’m doing, because if I have to work so should everyone else. If not going to work get off the road, as some of us are late.


Horse Apparently they are not that smart and spook easily. I’m not sure how I feel about horse racing. I understand that horses are meant to run and pull things, but not for money and our enjoyment. Farming is one thing, but racing and jumping is another. They were a means of transportation and I guess still are. Did anyone wonder what the horse thinks about carrying, pulling a person? Sure horseback riding can be tranquil and pleasant, but what happens when they get spooked or decide that they no longer want to be a mode of transport? If I knew they were fine/happy I would be OK with it. Where is Dr. Doolittle to tell us what the Horse is saying. Mr. Ed can you help?

Flower Buds

Flower Buds Will they survive? Did they bloom too early? Are they just as confused as me about the weather? The small amount of colour among the green and brown playing peek-a-boo. Spring is upon us...wish it wasn’t so wet.


Sushi There was a piece of sushi that was made on Iron Chef that resembled a stained glass window. Too pretty to eat in my opinion. I don’t fancy fish, so truth be told I wouldn’t have eaten it anyway. I’m not sure where my dislike of fish started, perhaps the smell? I have no desire to eat it, with the exception of canned tuna, fish and chips or fried calamari. I have tried others? NO!! Will I? Most likely not. Another reason why I couldn’t compete on Survivor. I would starve.


Orchid The plant I can't spell or keep alive. I have tried keeping this beautiful plant on 3 occasions, none ending well, in fact they all grew mold. I still have the orchid food. What a waste of $. I used the $ symbol instead of writing “money” and didn’t think twice about it. Texting is going to be the worst thing for my spelling. At some point I’m going to be in a group, where someone will need to be the writer and if I am selected, not only will it be grammatically incorrect it will also be illegible.

Water Fountain

Water Fountain How does one become a water fountain designer? Is there a list that a city government consults when they need to commission a piece? Can anyone get on said list? I’m sure you need experience, however how does someone just starting their fountain designing career get a break? I’m going to keep my eye out..I have a good idea.


Mountains It looks like I can climb to the top of pictures I see of white capped mountains. They do not seem that tall at all. I remember being told that if I could envision myself doing something then it can be done. Could I reach the top of those mountains? I guess with enough training and money it could be achieved. The same goes for going to space? I wonder, is it too late to be an astronaut?

So it starts...

Back in 2014, I decided that my resolution for the year was to go to bed every night with a positive thought. I started a journal, where before drawing the curtain on another day I would jot down something I thought was beautiful. It was not going to just be a list, but also some ramblings on the item. It is now 2020 and the world is going through a rough patch. I could not think of a better time to be reminded that beautiful things surround us. Even if no one reads this, the act of typing out my journal is exactly what I need right now. What follows are 365 entries and the random tangents the beauty led me to. I will be posting one a day, on the day of the original entry . LDR